When you load a list for the first time, the program will automatically create an indexfile for this list (this may take a while). The program uses this file to quickly obtain all topic titles the next time you load that list. The program automatically detects if the indexfile needs to be updated (e.g. when it is deleted or when the list was updated/replaced). Indexfiles are stored in the same directory as the list they belong to and have the same filename as the list but use the extension .rbilv.

You can also create indexfiles manually. To do this, you must first load the list and then select Update Topic Titles from the Options menu. (Note: it is normally not necessary to create indexfiles manually - only do this when you are convinced that the program hasn't created a new indexfile automatically).

For more information about indexfiles see FAQFAQS

Finding topics and text >QF52ZN

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